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Love: A Basic Necessity for Every Child’s Wellbeing

Love from parents is a basic necessity for a healthy life.

~ Nicholeen Peck

When we think of the basic needs of a child, our minds naturally gravitate toward food, clothing, and shelter. Some may extend this list to include education and healthcare, which are often seen as essential for a child’s overall development. We assume that when these needs are met, a child is equipped to thrive. But is that truly the full picture?

What about love? Does it find a place on your list of a child’s basic necessities? Or is it considered an optional ‘extra’—a bonus given out of kindness or personal desire?

At Hope 4 Liberia Orphanage, we firmly believe that love is not just an additional act of goodwill; it is fundamental to a child’s wellbeing. Love is as vital as any other necessity on the list. In fact, there is an undeniable connection between love and a child’s physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

While we recognize that we can never care for children as perfectly as God cares for them, our mission at Hope 4 Liberia is to point each child to God the Father, who is love Himself. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these” (Mark 10:14). We are reminded that Jesus is always present with children, in every situation, working to reveal His love to them.

Our constant prayer is that the work we do at the orphanage will always be rooted in God’s Word and His unfailing love. As James 1:27 reminds us, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” Hosea also beautifully declares, “…in You [God] the fatherless find compassion” (Hosea 14:3).

We hope this message serves as a reminder of how deeply Jesus loves children and how He has called each of us to be instruments of His love. We invite you to join us in our mission to bring hope and love to the double orphans of Liberia. Together, we can make God’s love shine brightly in the hearts of children who desperately need it.




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