Hello, Friends!
You’ve been seeing me post all the advertisements as we prepare to hire staff at our new compound. We are not just trying to fill positions but rather, we are setting up a “staff family” who make it their goal to love and serve not only our children but each other! It is my goal, as the CEO of this ministry, to develop our employees spiritually. YOU, the employees, are what make the compound atmosphere a place that is enjoyable to work at and a living example of Jesus to our kids. So here are a few things for you to implement in your life….

How can Hope 4 Liberia employees glorify God while they are working?
Go to work utterly dependent on God (Proverbs 3:5–6; John 15:5). Without him you can’t breathe, move, think, feel, or talk. Not to mention be spiritually influential. Get up in the morning and let God know your desperation for Him. Pray for help.
Be absolutely and meticulously honest and trustworthy on the job. Be on time. Give a full day’s work. “Thou shalt not steal.” More people rob their employers by being slackers than by stealing money.
Get good at what you do. God has given you not only the grace of integrity but the gift of skills. Treasure that gift and be a good steward of those skills. This growth in skill is built on dependence and integrity.
Work places are often places for chichipoley and wahala. Do not be part of that! Use your words to encourage your co-workers and bosses. Be joyful. Be kind with your words. Only say things that build other people. Let those who love their salvation say continually, Great is the Lord! (see Psalm 40:16).
Serve others. Be the one who volunteers first to go get someone a drink of water. Make a food treat to share with coworkers. Leave a note of kindness on the bathroom wall. Take an interest in others at work. Be known as the one who cares not just about the children, but the burdens of heavy and painful days. Love your workmates, and point them to the great Burden Bearer.
Work is where you make (and spend) money. It is all God’s, not yours. You are a trustee. Turn your earning into the overflow of generosity in how you steward God’s money. Don’t work to earn to have. Work to earn to have to give and to invest in Christ-exalting ventures. Make your money speak of Christ as your supreme Treasure. Where your heart is, there will your treasure be also.
Always give thanks to God for life and health and work and Jesus. Be a thankful person at work. Don’t be among the complainers. Let your thankfulness to God overflow in a humble spirit of gratitude to others. Be known as the hope-filled, humble, thankful one at Hope 4 Liberia.
There are more things to say about glorifying God while working for Hope 4 Liberia Orphanage; but this is a start. The point is: Whatever you do, whether you eat or drink or work, do all to make God look as great as He really is.